The 25th call2all Congress in Seoul, Korea was a truly significant and special event. One of the stand out features was the large percentage of next generation leaders and the focus on inter-generational dialogue. It was a beautiful representation of the global Body of Christ – unity in the diversity of age, culture, language and gender.
For the first time we were able to live stream the congress, allowing many all over the world to join in. New technology allowed great collaboration with exchanges in multiple languages broadcast on the main screen.
The Congress culminated with commitments to concrete action being made, a unique feature of call2all events to move us beyond strategy and stories into committed, accountable action in each of the finish line areas. As you can see below the numbers are huge, achievable only through God’s provision.
Thank you Korea for hosting the call2all and providing an atmosphere of prayer, challenge and encouragement to keep running after the goal of completing the Great Commission together, soon!
Highlights from the last day of the Congress