South East Asia has been host to some of our largest gatherings, the unity amongst different nations and denominations has been remarkable, leading to fantastic faith filled commitments to Great Commission goals.
Congresses in South East Asia
Call2all Nepal | Spring 2017
Call2all South Korea | July 2016
Call2all Thailand | May 2013
Call2all Philippines | March 2012
Call2all Indonesia | May 2011
Call2all International Congress, Hong Kong | June 2009
More than 5000 ministry leaders from 100 nations came together in Hong Kong, 2009 the presence of so many from the Chinese church energized the Congress. Alongside prayer walking the gigantic world map, there was the opportunity to prayer walk a giant map of the Silk Road. This 80 ft by 160 ft map featured the ancient trading routes from China to Israel with the least reached people groups listed along the way. Led by the Chinese delegation, Congress attendees held up lights as they walked from Beijing to Jerusalem. Looking at the hundreds of lights held up over Asia and the Middle East was truly a moving experience.
The Indonesian Congress in Jakarta, 2011 had a more regional focus, with one third of the unengaged unreached people groups (UUPGs) in the region amongst Indonesia’s thousands of islands, so inspired were they that by day 2 of the congress delegates were adopting groups, ready to pray, train, send and reach those who’ve never heard the good news.
The 2012 Congress in the Philippines was marked by a great openness to God’s leading. Filipinos are key to fulfilling the Great Commission from across the earth. There are more than 20 million living abroad as expatriates. They are universally accepted into even some of the most closed placed in the world and assimilate quickly into new cultures. Delegates from this gathering were quick to say yes to going and reaching the hardest remaining places left on earth.
The 2013 Congress in Chiang Mai, Thailand saw the eradication of bible poverty emerge as a major theme. While praying over the gigantic world map, each person was challenged to “adopt” a geographic area for the distribution of Bibles. Roy Peterson (President of the Seed Company, Wycliffe) educated delegates on the expanding growth of Bible translations. One hundred years after Jesus, there were only six languages that had the Bible in their native tongue. In the year 2,000, there are over 2,798 languages that have at least one book of the Bible in their native tongue leaving 1,967 languages left that need translation.
Those who were part of these historic gatherings left informed, equipped and inspired in a new way so that they can work together to complete the Great Commission.