It has been a joy to work with delegates from all across Africa at many of our international congresses, and we’ve also had the opportunity to host a Congress in Nairobi, Kenya.
Congresses in Africa
call2all East Africa | October 2008
Hundreds of leaders from Uganda, Tanzania, the DRC, Sudan and across East Africa came to participate. There was a wonderful cultural diversity expressed in worship and cultural protocols, one of the outstanding pieces was the worship led by the indigenous Masai group of Kenya.
Bishop Kabachia, the Regional Coordinator of Movement for Africa National Initiatives (MANI) spoke on the “State of the Gospel” in the region of East Africa. He commented that recent research done on the number of unreached people groups in Kenya sparked a challenge that has resulted in every tribe being engaged with the gospel. Building on that, Paul Eshleman, the Director of Finishing the Task shared about the Unengaged and Unreached People Groups (UUPGs) of the world. He cited that statistically, the most unreached tribes in Africa are concentrated in Sudan. He challenged participants to ask God for a new heart and a new perspective in order to go.
“It is our job to make the decision, it is God’s job to solve the problem” said Eshleman
Loren Cunningham, (YWAM) spoke about “How to Disciple A Nation”. He emphasized the giftedness of Africa, going through all the seven spheres of society, highlighting the offering of Africa to the world, and the key leaders that have risen through the ranks in each sphere of society, from sports through to Church.
Among other workshops and training sessions, some innovative evangelism models were shared: including use of “Evangelism Cube and HIV Cube”, the “Jesus Film” project, evangelistic films from the “Global Film Network and “Kids around the World” among others.
The Congress concluded with a prayerful, collaborative session with corporate commitments to Great Commission goals